Cisco WebEx Training QRG - Coordinator
Who’s Speaking The telephone or headset icon flashes beside the speaker’s name. Invite and Remind Below the Feedback buttons, click I nvite and Remind to invite a new participant or remind • Mute/unmute one attendee – Right-click the attendees name and select Mute or Unmute . Optionally, hover of the attendee’s name and click the microphone. • Mute/ unmute all attendees – Click Participant > Mute/Unmute . Send Messages Send a message to a presenter, host, or another attendee. 1. In the Participant panel, click the Chat tab. 2. From the Send To or To drop-down list, select a recipient. 3. Type a message. 4. Press Enter on the keyboard to send the message. Polling Gather feedback from training session attendees. Begin by creating a questionnaire then opening the poll. Prepare polls at any time—before trainings and save the poll or during training. 1. Above the Participants panel, click Polls . 2. Select the question type: a. Multiple Choice with one answer. b. Multiple Choice with multiple answers. c. Short Answer with text. 3. Type the question. 4. Type the possible answers (for multiple choice). 5. Click Open Poll . Annotate Markup any shared documents, presentations, or whiteboards in the content viewer, using the toolbar that appears above the viewer. In addition, attendees can use pointers on shared documents, presentations, and whiteboards. someone about the meeting. Mute or Unmute Attendees
Breakout Sessions Breakout sessions are like breakout session in an in-person conference. The meeting host must enable Breakout Session when creating the training session. Enable Breakout Sessions 1. From the Breakout Session panel or the Breakout menu, select Allow Breakout Session . 2. From the main menu, select Participant > Assign Privileges . 3. Under Breakout Session with , click the meeting participants who can conduct breakout sessions. Create Breakout Session 1. On the Breakout Sessions panel, click Create Session . 2. In the Breakout Session dialog box Topic field, type a title for the session. 3. Click the checkbox beside the people you want to invite. 4. Do one of the following to let other participants join the session or to not allow others to join the session: a. Click the checkbox beside Let others join the breakout session without invitation to add a checkmark and allow other people to join the session. b. Click the checkbox beside Let others join the breakout session without invitation to remove the checkmark and prevent others from joining the session. End Training As the conference host, click End Training on the lower right part of the screen to end training for all participants. Evaluations An evaluation option is not available in WebEx Training. Instead, create a survey in a tool like SurveyMonkey . When you create a training session, add a link in the Destination address (URL) after session field. Session
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