Comment Add comments to the board for specific items or general comments. Use @ to direct comments to specific people.
Templates can be added at any time by selecting the Template icon on the Content Creation Toolbar . Templates are categorized by purpose such as meetings and workshops, brainstorming, diagrams and more. Optionally, display all templates, recently added, or popular templates. Select the template you want to add it to your board and begin your work.
Frame Frames help you group content together and keep it organized. If you move the frame, all content inside moves with the frame. Add text, sticky notes, shapes, or another frame to a frame. • Draw a frame or choose a frame size, ratio, or a type of device. • Change background color. • Name the frame for easy reference. Facilitation Toolbar The facilitation toolbar offers tools to use to navigate around the Board. Tools include presentation mode, comments and cards, screen sharing, chat and more. Frames Frames opens a pane on the left side of the screen that displays all frames on the board.
Sticky Notes Sticky notes work just like paper sticky notes and are great for brainstorming or writing reminders. When you add a sticky note a toolbar appears with text options and the ability to change note colors and more. Add sticky notes using one of the following methods. • Drag the note to the board and drop it in your selected location. • Select the sticky note and select the color you want. • Bulk add sticky notes.
Displays an image of each frame.
Displays the title of each frame.
• Select the frame or frame title to bring it into focus.
Bulk Add Sticky Notes If you have multiple sticky notes to add, add them all at once.
1. 2.
Select Sticky Notes .
At the bottom of the list, select Bulk Mode .
3. Select the colored circle on the note to change the note color.
Comments The Comments button opens the Comments pane on the left-side of the screen. View all comments, comments on a board or note. To view all @ mentions, select the @ symbol at the top of the pane. Chat Select the Chat icon to open the Chat pane on the left side of the screen. At the bottom of the screen, type your message. Use @ to direct a message to a specific person.
4. 5. 6.
Type your note.
Press enter to add another note. Select Done to add the notes.
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