MS Bookings


Define Service Offerings Service offerings are like appointment types. Each offering has a different name. The appointment location, type, default duration, and associated staff member can be set up for each service. Automated confirmations, reminders and service notes can also be defined. After the initial set up of the Bookings 4 step process, more Services can be added. Create Service Offerings

1. Select Services from the left side booking page menu.

Availability options: 1. Set the default appointment Time increments, Minimum & Maximum lead times and General availability. Changes to these times will disable Default scheduling policy.

2. If there are normal business days where no appointments should be made, add a different availability time block. a. Click Set different availability for a date range at the bottom of the Availability options section.

2. Click Add new service . Basic details:

1. Input the unique Service Name, description, location, default duration, and internal notes into the Add Service dialog box.

b. Input the date range c. Choose the General availability.

Assign staff : If there are no staff members in the Select Staff list to choose from in the Assign staff page, names can be added from the Staff section of the bookings page.(See page 6 for more detail).

2. If this offering is an online meeting, select the Add online meeting option.

If privacy is required, select the check box for an anonymous meeting link.

3. If desired, the customer can manage this appointment even if a staff member booked it.

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