Project 2013 Introduction
Lesson 2 – Working with Calendars
Project 2013
Use the information in the second row of the following table to complete the second row of the Resource Availability table:
Available From
Available To
Return to the table and continue on to the next step (step 10).
Notice that the Max units field for the plumber is 0%, indicating the resource availability varies over time.
Switch to the Gantt Chart view and display the Gantt bar for the 34 Final Plumbing task. Notice that the Plumber resource is assigned to the task. Point to the task bar and notice that the task begins on 11/4/16. Select the Final Plumbing task, open the Assign Resources dialog box, and increase the maximum units for the Plumber resource to 200% . Press [Enter] and close the Assign Resources dialog box. Notice that an overallocation icon and a smart tag appears next to the 34 Final Plumbing task. Since the Microsoft Project took the default action for adding a resource and shortened the duration, you can ignore both the icon and the smart tag.
Switch to the Resource Sheet view and notice that the Plumber resource appears in red, indicating it is overallocated. This overallocation occurred because the assignment unit is 200% during a time when the plumber’s availability is 100%.
Return to the Gantt Chart view, double-click the 34 Final Plumbing task and use the Resources page in the Task Information dialog box to return the resource assignment of the Plumber to 100% . Ignore the smart tag to accept the default action, which increases the duration of the task.
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