Word 2016 Intermediate
Word 2016
Lesson 6 – Editing a Table
NOTE If you hold the [Alt] key as you drag a column or row border, the exact column or row measurement appears on the corresponding ruler. (If you press [Alt] and click in the document, the Research task pane opens, so be careful to hold [Alt] as you drag the pointer.) Change column width by dragging the table column markers on the horizontal ruler, or change row height by dragging the table row markers on the vertical ruler. If you need to specify precise measurements, open the Row or Column tab in the Table Properties dialog box (available on the Table Tools Layout tab).
1. Drag any column border to the left to decrease or to the right to increase the width of that column. 2. Drag any row header border up to decrease or down to increase the height of that row.
S TEP - BY -S TEP Change column width and row height.
If necessary, switch to Print Layout view, and display the horizontal and vertical rulers.
Practice Data
1. Drag any column border to the left to decrease or to the right to increase the width of that column. An image of the border appears as you drag, and the column width changes when you release the mouse button. 2. Drag any row header border up to decrease or down to increase the height of that row. An image of the border appears as you drag, and the row height changes when you release the mouse button.
Drag the column border to the right of the text Equipment Catalog to the 1-1/2-inch mark on the horizontal ruler
Drag the row border below the text Worldwide Sporting Goods down to the 3/4-inch mark on the vertical ruler
Practice the Concept: Hold [Alt] and click the column border to the right of the Equipment Catalog column. Continue holding [Alt] and drag the column border until a column
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