Word 2016 Intermediate

Lesson 9 – Working with Comments and Revisions

Word 2016

18. Display both Source Documents .

19. Combine INVITE3U.DOCX into the current document.

20. Hide the Source Documents.

21. Hide the Reviewing Pane.

22. Accept the first two changes in the document.

23. Select Final from the Display for Review list on the Reviewing toolbar. Notice that all markup is hidden. 24. Select Original Showing Markup from the Display for Review list on the Reviewing toolbar. Notice that original text is now shown as deletions in the text and insertions are displayed in balloons. 25. Open a comment. Add a reply and mark the comment resolved then reopen the comment.

26. Accept all changes in the document.

27. Choose Save As and save the document as INVITEFINAL.DOCX .

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