Word 2016 Intermediate

Word 2010

Lesson 10 – Working with AutoFormat

Selecting the Styles option in the Preserve section retains styles already applied to document text. This option prevents AutoFormat from replacing styles you may have previously applied to text.

When enabled, the Plain text e-mail documents option in the Always AutoFormat section AutoFormats plain-text mail messages when you open them in Word, as long as Word is your e- mail editor.

Change AutoFormat options

NOTE If you are using Track Changes , AutoFormat changes appear with revision marks. Hide the revision marks by selecting the Show Markup button in the Tracking group on the Review tab and deselecting the Formatting option. The AutoFormat options you select become the default for AutoFormatting all new documents. To return to the original defaults, reselect any options you may have deselected on the AutoFormat page in the AutoCorrect dialog box.


1. Select the File tab


2. Select the Options . 3. Select Proofing .


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