Word 2016 Intermediate
Word 2016
Lesson 11 – Inserting Dates And Symbols
NOTE When a date is entered as a field, change the date format by right-clicking the field and selecting the Edit Field option from the shortcut menu.
P ROCEDURES 1. Position the insertion point where you want the date or time to appear.
2. Select the Insert tab
3. Select the Date & Time button in the Text group. 4. Under Available formats , select the desired date and time format. 5. Select the Update automatically option, if desired. 6. Select OK .
S TEP - BY -S TEP From the Student Data directory, open DATE.DOCX .
Insert the current date and time into a document.
Practice Data
1. Position the insertion point where you want the date and time to appear. The insertion point moves to the new location.
Click in the third blank line below the Worldwide Sporting Goods address
2. Select the Insert tab.
The Insert tab is appears.
3. Select the Date & Time button in the Text group. The Date and Time dialog box opens. 4. Under Available formats , select the desired date and time format. The date and time format is selected. 5. Select the Update automatically option, if desired. The Update automatically option is selected.
Click Month, Day, Year (third format from the top)
Beth Chernoff
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