Word 2016 Intermediate

Word 2016

Lesson 11 – Inserting Dates And Symbols


Practice Data

3. Select the Symbol button in the Symbols group. The Symbol gallery opens. 4. Select the More Symbols option. The Symbol dialog box opens. 5. Select the Special Characters tab. The Special Characters page opens. 6. Under Character , select the desired special character. The special character is selected.


Click More Symbols

Click the Special Characters tab

Click Nonbreaking Space

7. Select Insert .

Click Insert

The selected character appears at the insertion point.

8. When you have finished inserting special characters, select Close . The Symbol dialog box closes.

Click Close

Type the word credit and a space before the word limit in the third sentence of the same paragraph. Notice that the text Mr. Campanellas stays together because the space inserted between Mr. and Campanellas is a nonbreaking space. Display the formatting marks. Notice the symbol that appears between Mr. and Campanellas to indicate the presence of a nonbreaking space. Hide the formatting marks. Close DATE.DOCX.

Beth Chernoff

Page 215

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