Word 2016 Tips and Tricks


WORD 2016


OFFICEPRO, Inc. 8 Granite Pl. Suite 26 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 MD: (301) 468-3312 DC: (202) 347-1114 VA: (703) 922-0400 Fax: (301) 263-6879 www.officeproinc.com help@officeproinc.com

W ORD 2016


Presented by OFFICEPRO, Inc.

Manual # MS16-241-0.5SR

Copyright 2019, all rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced in any form without written approval from OFFICEPRO, Inc.

About OFFICEPRO – We Change Lives! OFFICEPRO is a software-training company that specializes in providing high-quality, cost- effective, training services to our clients. OFFICEPRO has been providing computer training since 1984. We assist our clients in determining the most advantageous training solutions for their particular requirements and work with them to implement these solutions effectively in a flawless manner.

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Instructors OFFICEPRO’s instructors are simply the best in the business. They each have at least two years of stand-up training experience as well as “real world” experience in the applications they teach. The instructor teaching you today was chosen specifically for your class. When assigning an instructor we consider many variables. The instructor is available to answer questions throughout the day and after class.

Students can expect the following from an OFFICEPRO class:

Clearly stated class objectives

• •

The opportunity to express what they would like to achieve in class

Relevant training

• •

Hands-on training that allows students to learn by doing, not viewing A schedule for the day including lunch and break times

The chance to evaluate the instructor and the overall class.


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What to expect from OFFICEPRO?

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Table of Contents

ABOUT OFFICEPRO – WE CHANGE LIVES! ...............................................................I

WHAT TO EXPECT FROM OFFICEPRO?...................................................................II

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................III


USING STYLES ................................................................................1 Using the Quick Styles Gallery ..................................................................................2 Using Style Inspector ................................................................................................5 Managing Styles........................................................................................................7 Applying Styles..........................................................................................................9 Creating a Style.......................................................................................................11 Adding a Style to the Quick Styles Gallery..............................................................13 Editing an Existing Style..........................................................................................15 Clearing Formats and Styles ...................................................................................17 Deleting a Style.......................................................................................................19 Exercise...................................................................................................................22 FORMATTING WITH DOCUMENT THEMES.....................................25 Selecting a Theme ..................................................................................................26 Creating New Theme Colors...................................................................................28 Creating New Theme Fonts ....................................................................................32 Changing Theme Effects .........................................................................................35 Exercise...................................................................................................................39 USING QUICK PARTS ....................................................................41 Creating a Quick Part..............................................................................................42 Adding Quick Parts to a Document ........................................................................44 Inserting Document Property Fields.......................................................................46 Using the Building Blocks Organizer .......................................................................49 Exercise...................................................................................................................52




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Lesson 1 - U SING S TYLES This lesson covers the following objectives:

Using the Quick Styles Gallery Using Style Inspector

Managing Styles Applying Styles Creating a Style Adding a Style to the Quick Styles Gallery Editing an Existing Style Clearing Formats and Styles Deleting a Style Exercise

Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016


A style is a group of formatting attributes that are saved with a style name. Styles make it simple to format text and paragraphs consistently. For example, if you format the subtitles in your document with a Tahoma 28-point font, small caps, and 16 points of space above and below the subtitle, you can create a style containing these attributes. Thereafter, you can easily format a new subtitle in one step, simply by applying the style to selected text.

There are three types of style: character, paragraph, and linked paragraph. You can apply styles as you type, or you can apply styles to existing text. Applying a style adds all the formatting attributes contained in that style to the selection.

The Quick Styles gallery, located in the Styles group on the Home tab, provides a rapid method of previewing and applying styles to selected text. Furthermore, Word provides predetermined sets of styles that work together well. These are called Style Sets and are applied to an entire document. You can choose an appropriate style set for your document and the styles that make up the style set are then made available in the Quick Styles gallery.

You can also open a Styles window by selecting the Styles dialog box launcher on the Home tab menu. Unlike the Font and Paragraph dialog boxes, the Styles window can be left open while you access other options. It can also be docked on either side of the document area by dragging it off to one side or the other.

The symbol next to a style name indicates which type of style it is:

Style Type


Character Paragraph Linked paragraph and character

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Quick Styles gallery

NOTE The Quick Styles gallery is laid out in several rows. You can see the entire gallery by using the scroll buttons on the right of the gallery or by clicking on the Quick Styles Gallery list button. The style of the currently selected text is highlighted in the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab and in the Styles window if it is open.


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Select the Styles launcher . 3. Pick up the Styles window so that it can be repositioned in a convenient location. 4. Drop the Styles window in a convenient location. 5. To view the style applied to specific text, position the insertion point in the desired text. 6. To find all text formatted with a specific style, right-click the style you want to find in the Quick Styles gallery. 7. Select the Select All: option. 8. Position the insertion point elsewhere in the document to deselect the text. 9. Close the Styles window.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

S TEP - BY -S TEP From the Student Data directory, open STYLE1.DOCX . Use the Quick Styles gallery and style sets.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Select the Styles dialog box launcher. The Styles window opens in the same location as it was when last closed. 3. Pick up the Styles window so that it can be repositioned in a convenient location. The Styles window floats.

Click the Styles

Drag the Styles window to the far left of the document area

4. Drop the Styles window in a convenient location.

Release the Styles window so that it docks on the left of the document area

The Styles window remains in the new location.

5. To view the style applied to specific text, position the insertion point in the desired text. The style applied to the text is highlighted in the Styles window and in the Quick Styles gallery in the Styles group on the Home tab.

In the document, click inside the heading Terms and Conditions of Sale

6. To find all text formatted with a


specific style, right-click the style you want to find in the Quick Styles gallery. A list of available options appears.

7. Select the Select All option. All the text formatted with the designated style is selected.

Click Select All

8. Position the insertion point elsewhere the document to deselect the text. The text is deselected.

Click anywhere in the document area

9. Close the Styles window. The Style window closes.


on the Styles


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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


It is sometimes useful to know whether text has been manually formatted instead of formatted using styles. Style Inspector is a convenient way to do this and enables you to clear manually applied formatting easily.

For example, if you apply a Style Set to a document and the styles are not updated in the way that you expect, you can use Style Inspector to check and reset the text to the default style formatting, which then allows the Style Set to take full effect.

Style Inspector

NOTE Like the Styles window, the Style Inspector window can be relocated or docked at either side of the document area and left open while opening dialog boxes such as Font or Paragraph and while working on the document. The Reset and Clear buttons in the Style Inspector window all look the same, but their location and their ScreenTips indicate their individual functions.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Open the Styles window by selecting the Styles .

3. Open the from the Styles window. 4. Select the text that you want to inspect. 5. Clear manually applied formatting by selecting the desired Reset , Clear, or Clear All buttons. 6. Close the Style Inspector window. 7. Close the Styles window.


Use Style Inspector.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Open the Styles window by selecting the Styles dialog box launcher. The Styles window is displayed. 3. Open Style Inspector from the Styles window. The Style Inspector window is displayed. 4. Select the text that you want to inspect. Style Inspector indicates the paragraph and character styles and any additional manual formatting applied to the selected text. 5. Clear manually applied formatting by selecting the desired Reset , Clear or Clear All buttons. The formatting is reset or cleared accordingly. 6. Close the Style Inspector window. The Style Inspector window is closed.

Click the Styles


Click WORLDWIDE in the sixth line of text


Click on the Style Inspector window

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


Practice Data

7. Close the Styles window.

Click on the Styles window

The Styles window is closed.


There are over 200 styles built into Word 2016 and you can create your own styles. Most of the time you will want to use very few of these, but you may also want to apply more rigorous control of their use, or have different styles available for different types of documents. The Manage Styles dialog box is where you can organize the styles.

The Manage Styles dialog box provides options for editing, recommending, and restricting the use of specific styles and for setting defaults. Apply options to the styles used in the current document or to new documents based on the template that is used for the current document. You can also import or export styles between documents and templates.

On the Edit tab, you can specify the sort order as well as edit a specific style or create new styles.

Under the Recommend tab, you can determine which styles are listed by default in the recommended style list, the order in which they appear, and the circumstances under which they are listed or hidden.

On the Restrict tab, specify whether certain styles are available or restricted in some way when a document is protected from formatting changes.

Finally, on the Set Defaults tab, redefine the paragraph and character formatting to which all styles refer for their default settings.

NOTE A style can also be edited for the current document only or for all documents based on the current template. Right-click the style in the Quick Styles gallery and selecting the Modify... option.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Open the Styles window by selecting the Styles dialog box launcher.

3. Select

from the Styles window.

4. Select the Set Defaults tab. 5. In the Font list, select the font that you want to apply as the default font.

6. Select



Manage styles


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Open the Styles window by selecting the Styles dialog box launcher. The Styles dialog box is displayed. 3. Select Manage Styles from the Styles window. The Manage Styles dialog box opens.

Click the Styles


4. Select the Set Defaults tab.

Click Set Defaults

The Set Defaults tab is displayed.

5. In the Font list, select the font that you want to apply as the default font. The selected font is highlighted and inserted in the Font box.

Scroll as necessary and click Arial

6. Select OK .


The Manage Styles dialog box closes and the default font is applied to the document.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


The Quick Styles gallery enables you to quickly apply an existing style to selected text. This helps ensure that all the headings, subheadings or paragraphs of text in a document are consistent in appearance and will remain consistent if a style is updated later.

You can apply any of the many styles already set up in Word 2010, or you can apply any styles that you have created or modified.

Expanded Quick Styles

NOTE Another good reason to apply styles to your document is to benefit from other Word features. For example, applied styles helps you quickly create a Table of Contents that can be easily updated, or use Outline View to get an overall view of the document structure. When exploring the list of styles available, hover the pointer over any style to see it previewed in your document. The style is only applied when you click to select it. If you accidentally click the style, you may not always notice that a change has been made. Although this action can be undone, be careful to only click when you mean to apply a style.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Click in the paragraph to apply a style. 3. Click the required style in the Quick Styles gallery. 4. Drag to select the text to apply a style. 5. Release the mouse button. 6. Click the button to view the styles available. 7. Click the required style. 8. Click in the document to deselect the text.


Apply styles.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Click in the paragraph where you want to apply a style. The insertion point appears in the selected paragraph. 3. Click the required style in the Quick Styles gallery. The paragraph is formatted in the new style. 4. Drag to select the text that you want to apply a style to. The text is highlighted as you drag.

Click anywhere in Delivery in the second paragraph

Click Heading 2

Drag to select the text 45 days under the heading Payment

5. Release the mouse button. The text is selected.

Release the mouse button

6. Click the More button to view the styles available. The Quick Styles gallery expands.

Click the button in the Styles group on the Home tab Click Intense E... (Intense Emphasis)

7. Click the required style.

The text is formatted in the new style.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


Practice Data

8. Click in the document to deselect the text. The text is deselected.

Click anywhere in the document area.


The Quick Styles gallery provides a number of styles, organized into style sets, for you to use. Style sets are designed to offer a wide range of attractive and functional options for you to use in various circumstances. However, you may wish to create a new style to present some text in a particular way.

Create New Style from Formatting dialog box

NOTE The new style is available only in the document where you create it. To make the new style available to other documents as well, select the Manage Styles button in the Styles task pane, then select Import/Export to access the Organizer .


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Drag to select the text that you want to change.

3. Release the mouse button. 4. Format the text as desired. 5. Highlight the formatted text.

6. Click the More

button in the styles section to display Quick Styles.

7. Select the Create a Style option. 8. Type a name for the new style in the Name field.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

9. Select OK .


Create a style.

You want to create a new style. You can do this by formatting the relevant text and then creating the style based on that formatting.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Drag to select the text that you want to change. The text is highlighted as you drag.

Drag to select the text Net payment is due in 45 days under the heading Payment

3. Release the mouse button. The text is selected.

Release the mouse button

4. Format the text as desired.

In the Paragraph group.

The text is formatted as intended for the new style.

Click Borders


Outside Border .

Click Increase Indent .

In the Font group, click Italics . Point to Net payment is due in 45 days

5. Highlight the formatted text. The text is selected.

6. Click the More button in the styles section. The Quick Styles appear.


7. Select the Create a Style option

Click Create a Style

The Create New Style from Formatting dialog box appears.

8. Type a name for the new style in the Name field. The new name appears.

Type Payment Terms

9. Select OK .

Click OK

The new style is created.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles

The new style has been created, and now appears as an option in the Quick Styles gallery.

Practice the Concept: Select the word Sporting under the heading Delivery . In the Styles section, click More , and select Create a Style . In the name field ,type Worldwide Emphasis . Click OK . Select Worldwide Sporting Goods in the first sentence and apply the new style. A DDING A S TYLE TO THE Q UICK S TYLES G ALLERY  D ISCUSSION The Quick Styles gallery, located in the Styles group on the Home tab, provides a rapid method to preview and apply styles to selected text. Word populates this gallery from its extensive library of styles with over 200 styles available. When you select a different Style Set to use with your document, the Quick Styles gallery is repopulated with the styles associated with the selected Style Set.

You can also add a style to the Quick Styles gallery, perhaps one you use regularly but does not appear in the gallery, a style you created yourself, or one that was removed and you want to replace.


Options for styles


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

NOTE In the Styles task pane, the styles are listed with an icon to the right of each. The icons signify the style type -- character styles are marked with the paragraph styles with the and linked paragraph and character styles with the . Point to a style name to view the specifications then click the list arrow that appears on the right of the highlighted style to view the options available. If you click a style in the style pane, it is immediately applied to the selected text or paragraph where the insertion point is located. Be sure to right-click instead, unless you want the style to be applied immediately.


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Select the Styles dialog box launcher . 3. Select Options... . 4. Select the Select styles to show: list. 5. Select the All styles option. 6. Select OK . 7. Activate the shortcut menu for the desired style in the Styles window by right clicking the desired style. 8. Select Add to Quick Style Gallery .

S TEP - BY -S TEP Add a style to the Quick Styles Gallery.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Select the Styles dialog box launcher. The Styles dialog box opens in the same location as it was when last closed.

Click Styles

3. Select Options... .

Click Options...

The Style Pane Options dialog box opens.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


Practice Data

4. Select the Select styles to show: list. A list of options appears.

Click Select styles to show:

5. Select the desired option.

Click All styles

The selected option appears in the Select styles to show: box.

6. Select OK .


The Style Pane Options dialog box closes and the Styles dialog box list changes accordingly. 7. Activate the shortcut menu for the desired style in the Styles window. An options pop-up appears. 8. Select Add to Quick Style Gallery . The style is added to the Quick Styles Gallery .

Scroll as necessary and right-click Block Text

Click Add to Quick Style Gallery


The Quick Styles gallery provides many styles for your use, organized into style sets designed to suit different purposes. You can also create entirely new styles. However, there may be times when you wish to adjust or edit an existing style within a document to meet a particular formatting need.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

Edit existing style

NOTE To check the existing formatting attributes for a style, open the Styles dialog box. Hover the pointer over any style and a popup window appears listing all relevant attributes. When you edit a style, all text formatted with that style is updated automatically. Before proceeding, think about whether you want the change to apply throughout the document, or just in one instance. 1. Select the Home tab. 2. Drag to select any text with the style that you want to edit. 3. Release the mouse button. 4. Format the text as desired. 5. Point to the style in the Styles group on the Home tab. 6. Click the right mouse button. 7. Select the Update [Style] to Match Selection option.



Edit an existing style.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Drag to select any text with the style that you want to edit. The text is highlighted as you drag.

Drag to select the text Payment in the fifth paragraph, which has the style Heading 2

3. Release the mouse button. The text is selected.

Release the mouse button

4. Format the text as desired.

In the Font group, click and select a dark green color option. Point to the Heading 2 style

The text is formatted as intended for the edited style.

5. Point to the style in the Styles group on the Home tab. The mouse pointer changes into an arrow.

6. Click the right mouse button. The shortcut menu appears.

Click the right mouse button

7. Select the Update [Style] to Match Selection option. The style is updated.

Click Update Heading 2 to Match Selection

The existing style has been updated. Note that all instances of text with this style in the document have been updated.


Use the Clear Formatting command to remove formatting and styles from text. When you remove all formatting and styles from text, it adopts the attributes of the Normal style. You can remove formatting and style from a single instance or from all instances of that formatting or style.

Since the Normal style is a paragraph style, all attributes such as font, paragraph, tab, border, language, and numbering are returned to the attributes defined by the Normal style.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

If you clear formatting from text formatted with a character style, the text adopts the paragraph formatting around it, rather than the Normal style.

Clear the Quick Styles Gallery

NOTE When text is selected, if it has paragraph style formatting, the style is highlighted in the Quick Styles gallery. However, depending on what section of the gallery is being displayed at the time, the style may not be visible. Scrolling through the gallery will reveal the highlighted style. If you have the Styles dialog box open, the Clear All command, which appears at the top of the Styles list in the Styles task pane, has the same effect as the Clear Formatting command. The Clear All command remains at the top of the Styles list regardless of which option is set for Select styles to show in the Style Pane Options dialog box. When you clear a format, make sure that the format is not used as a field. For example, Heading styles are used in creating a table of contents. If you clear a Heading style, that text is not included in the table of contents.

P ROCEDURES 1. Select the text containing the formatting or style you want to clear.

2. Select the More

button in the Styles group.

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles

3. Select Clear Formatting .


Clear formats and styles.


Practice Data

1. Select the text containing the

Click in the Delivery heading

formatting or style you want to clear. The paragraph style is highlighted in the Quick Styles gallery. The formatting attributes applied to the text are highlighted in the Font group. 2. Select the More button in the Styles group. The Quick Styles gallery is opened.

Click the

button in the

Styles group

3. Select Clear Formatting .

Click Clear Formatting

The Normal style formatting is applied to the selected text.

Practice the Concept: Select the text 45 DAYS at the end of the paragraph under the Payment heading and clear the formatting by opening the Styles dialog box (click the launcher on the Styles group) and selecting Clear All . Notice that the text adopts the formatting of the surrounding paragraph, not the Normal style. Deselect the text. Use the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to reverse the last two Clear Formatting actions.


If you created a style within a document which you now want to delete because it has become unnecessary. You will not be able to delete the standard styles, such as Normal and Heading 1 , but you can delete any new styles that you have created.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016

Delete a style


1. Select the Home tab. 2. Click in an instance of the style that you want to delete. 3. Select the Styles .

4. Select the button. 5. Select the style you want to delete 6. Select Delete . 7. Select OK .


Delete a style.


Practice Data

1. Select the Home tab.

Click Home

The Home tab is displayed.

2. Click an instance of the style you want to delete. The insertion point appears in the selected text.

Click anywhere in Worldwide Sporting Goods in the first sentence

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Word 2016

Lesson 1 – Using Styles


Practice Data

3. Select the Styles dialog box launcher. The Styles dialog box opens. The selected style is highlighted with a blue box. 4. Select the Manage Styles button. The Manage Styles dialog box opens. The selected style is highlighted in blue within the Edit tab.

Click the

Click the


5. Select Delete .


A confirmation message appears.

6. Select OK .


The Manage Styles dialog box closes.

The style has been deleted, and the selected text has reverted to the Normal style. Close STYLE1.DOCX.


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Lesson 1 – Using Styles

Word 2016



T ASK Create and work with styles.

1. Open Exstyle.docx . 2. Display the Styles group on the Home tab. 3. Apply the Heading 1 style to the first paragraph of the document, Worldwide Sporting Goods and then center the paragraph. 4. Use the Worldwide Sporting Goods title to create a new style named WSG Heading . 5. Modify the WSG Heading style to include double line spacing. 6. Apply the WSG Heading style to the Summer Equipment Showcase heading on page 1 and to the Directions to the Central Valley Convention Center heading on page 2. 7. Create a new paragraph style named My List , based on the Heading 3 style. Add the following formats: Arial, 14 points; left indent of 1.5 inches; and space before and after of 6 points. 8. Apply the My List style to the list beginning with Special offers and ending with Promotional items . 9. Create a character style named Emphasis 2 , based on the text Morning on page 1. Then, apply the style to the text Midday and Evening . 10. Clear the formatting from the text Summer Equipment Showcase . 11. Delete the WSG Heading style. 12. Close the Styles dialog box, if you have it open, and then close the document without saving it.

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Lesson 1 – Using Styles


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Lesson 2 - F ORMATTING WITH D OCUMENT T HEMES This lesson covers the following objectives:

Selecting a Theme Creating New Theme Colors Creating New Theme Fonts Changing Theme Effects Exercise

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016

S ELECTING A T HEME  D ISCUSSION An entire document can be formatted by applying a document theme. This is a set of formatting choices that include theme colors, fonts, and effects such as lines and fill effects.

Word provides several predefined themes but these can easily be customized, or you can create your own themes. As themes are shared across all Office applications, you can ensure that all your Office documents have consistent branding.

When you open a new document, Word applies a default theme called Office, but there are 19 other built-in themes to choose from and even more can be downloaded from Microsoft Office Online.

Theme Options

NOTE If a theme that you want to use does not appear in the Themes list but you know it exists elsewhere, browse for it on your computer or on your network.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

NOTE If you have already started to write your document and you change the theme, the existing content retains its original format. To apply the new theme formats to existing content, you need to apply the formats from the Quick Styles Gallery , which will update when you applied the new theme.


1. Select the Page Layout tab.

2. Select Themes in the Themes group. 3. Select the desired theme from the listed themes, or Browse for Themes, or, if connected to the Internet, browse for More Themes on Microsoft Office Online....


Select a theme.

If necessary, open a new Word document.


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Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016


Practice Data

1. Select the Page Layout tab.

Click Page Layout

The Page Layout tab is displayed.

2. Select Themes in the Themes group. The Themes dialog box opens.


3. Select the desired theme from the listed themes, or Browse for Themes , or, if connected to the Internet, browse for More Themes on Microsoft Office Online… . The theme selected is applied to the document, and the Quick Styles Gallery is updated accordingly. The Themes dialog box closes.

In the Built-In list, click Basis


C REATING N EW T HEME C OLORS  D ISCUSSION Document themes consist of three components: colors, fonts, and line and fill effects. Create new color combinations or fonts for use in the current document or in themes.

The color component consists of text and background, accent, and hyperlink colors.

If you want to apply the changes to new documents, save them as a custom document theme.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Create New Theme Colors dialog box

NOTE Theme colors are composed of four text and background colors, six accent colors and two hyperlink colors. The colors in the Theme Colors button represent the current text and background colors. After you click the Theme Colors button, the set of colors displayed next to the Theme Colors name represent the accent and hyperlink colors for that theme. The ScreenTips on the Themes group buttons are enhanced ScreenTips. They include information about the current theme and, while open, you can press [F1] to call up contextually relevant Help. The right side of the dialog box displays a preview of your selections.


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Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016


1. Select the Design tab.

2. Hover the pointer over the Theme Colors button

in the Themes group.

3. Select the Theme Colors button


4. Select Customize Colors... . 5. For each Theme element, open the color list. 6. Select the desired color for each element from their respective color lists. 7. Enter a suitable name for the new theme colors. 8. Select the Save button. 9. To save the document theme now that it has been customized, select the

Themes button


10. Select . 11. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. 12. Select the Save button.


Create a new theme color.

If necessary, open a new Word document.


Practice Data

1. Select the Design tab.

Click Design

The Design tab is displayed.

2. Hover the pointer over the Theme Colors button in the Themes group. An Enhanced ScreenTip is displayed indicating the current theme name. 3. Select the Theme Colors button. The Theme Colors gallery opens.

Hover the pointer over


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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes


Practice Data

4. Select Customize Colors... .

Click Customize Colors...

The Theme Colors gallery closes and the Create New Theme Colors dialog box opens. 5. For each Theme element, open the color list. The selected color list is displayed. 6. Select the desired color for each element from their respective color lists. The selected color is applied to the color box. 7. Enter a suitable name for the new theme colors. The name appears in the Name: box. The new theme colors are saved and are used in the active document. The Create New Theme Colors dialog box closes. 9. To save the document theme now that it has been customized, select the Themes button. The Themes gallery opens. 8. Select the Save button.

Click Text/Background - Dark 1

In Standard Colors , click Dark Red

Type My new theme in the Name: box



10. Select Save Current Theme... .


The Themes gallery closes and the Save Current Theme dialog box opens.

11. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. The text appears in the File name box.

In the File name: box: type MyTheme1.thmx

12. Select the Save button.


The Save Current Theme dialog box closes and the customized document theme is saved. The custom theme appears in the Themes gallery when it is opened.


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Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016


Document themes consist of three components: colors, fonts, and line and fill effects. You can create new combinations of colors or fonts for use in the current document or in themes.

The font component contains a heading font and a body text font. Both can be changed to create your own set of theme fonts.

If you want to apply the changes to new documents, save them as a custom document theme.

Create New Theme Fonts dialog box

NOTE The ScreenTips on the Themes group buttons are enhanced ScreenTips. They include information about the current theme and, while open, you can press [F1] to call up contextually relevant Help.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes


1. Select the Design tab.

2. Position the cursor over the Theme Fonts button

in the Themes group to

see the current theme name and fonts.

3. Select the Theme Fonts button


4. Select Customize Fonts... . 5. Select the Heading font list 6. Select the desired font for headings. 7. Select the Body font: list. 8. Select the desired font for body text. 9. Enter a suitable name for the new theme fonts. 10. Select the Save button.

11. To save the document theme, select the Themes button


12. Select . 13. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. 14. Select the Save button.

15. If a theme already exists with the same name, a Confirm Save As dialog box is displayed. You have the option of replacing the previous version of the theme or choosing an alternative file name.


Create new theme fonts.

If necessary, open a new Word document.


Page 33

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016


Practice Data

1. Select the Design tab.

Click Design

The Design tab is displayed.

2. Position the cursor over the Theme Fonts button in the Themes group. An Enhanced ScreenTip is displayed indicating the current theme name and fonts. 3. Click the Theme Fonts button. The Theme Fonts gallery opens.

Point to


4. Select Customize Fonts... .

Click Customize Fonts…

The Theme Fonts gallery closes and the Create New Theme Fonts dialog box opens.

5. Select the Heading font list.

Click Heading font

The Heading font list is displayed.

6. Select the desired font for headings. The selected font appears in the Heading font box.

Scroll as necessary and click Tahoma

7. Select the Body font: list.

Click Body font

The Body font list is displayed.

8. Select the desired font for body text. The selected font appears in the Body font box. 9. Enter a suitable name for the new theme fonts. The text appears in the Name box.

Scroll as necessary and click Trebuchet MS

Type My new theme in the Name: box

10. Select the Save button.


The new theme fonts are saved and will be used in the active document.

11. To save the document theme, select the Themes button. The Themes gallery opens.


12. Select Save Current Theme .


The Themes gallery closes and the Save Current Theme dialog box is displayed.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes


Practice Data

13. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. The text appears in the File name box.

In the File name box: type MyTheme1.thmx

14. Select the Save button.


The Save Current Theme dialog box closes and the customized document theme is saved. The custom theme will now appear in the Themes gallery when it is opened.

If a theme already exists with the same name, a Confirm Save As dialog box is displayed. You have the option of replacing the previous version of the theme or choosing an alternative file name. In this case, replace the previous version of the theme.


Document themes consist of three components: colors, fonts and line and fill effects. You can change the line and fill effects that are used in the current document and save the change as a customized theme.

If you want to apply the changes to new documents, you must save them as a custom document theme.

Unlike the color and font components of themes, you cannot create new theme line and fill effects.


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Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016

Theme Effects Gallery

NOTE The ScreenTips on the Themes group buttons are Enhanced ScreenTips. They include information about the current theme and, while open, you can press [F1] to call up contextually relevant Help.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes


1. Select the Design tab.

2. Hover the pointer over the Theme Effects button

in the Themes


3. Select the Theme Effects button . 4. Select the desired effect for line and fill. 5. To save the document theme now that it has been customized, select the

Themes button


6. Select . 7. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. 8. Select the Save button.

9. If a theme already exists with the same name, a Confirm Save As dialog box is displayed. You have the option of replacing the previous version of the theme or choosing an alternative file name.


Change theme effects.

If necessary, open a new Word document.


Page 37

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes

Word 2016


Practice Data

1. Select the Design tab.

Click Design

The Design tab is displayed.

2. Hover the pointer over the Theme Effects button in the Themes group. An Enhanced ScreenTip is displayed indicating the current theme effects name. 3. Select the Theme Effects button. The Theme Effects gallery opens. 4. Select the desired effect for line and fill. The selected effect is applied and the Theme Effects gallery closes. 5. To save the document theme now that it has been customized, select the Themes button. The Themes gallery opens. 7. In the File name box, enter a suitable file name. The file name is shown in the File name box. The Save Current Theme dialog box closes and the customized document theme is saved. The custom theme will now appear in the Themes gallery when it is opened. 8. Select the Save button. 6. Select Save Current Theme... . The Themes gallery closes and the Save Current Theme dialog box opens.

Hover the pointer over


Scroll if necessary and click Milk Glass.



In the File name box: type MyTheme1.thmx


If a theme already exists with the same name, a Confirm Save As dialog box is displayed. You have the option of replacing the previous version of the theme or choosing an alternative file name.

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Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes



T ASK Create a Theme

1. Open THEMEX.docx . 2. Apply a new theme to your document from the Themes menu in the Design tab. 3. Create customized Theme colors in the Create New Theme Colors dialog box. 4. Apply a suitable name to the customized Theme Colors . 5. Save to the Theme template using a suitable name. 6. Change the fonts for the theme in the Create New Theme Fonts dialog box. 7. Use Times New Roman for the Heading font. 8. Use Constantia for the Body font. 9. Save the Theme Fonts using a suitable name. 10. Save to the Theme template using a suitable name. 11. Choose an Urban Theme Effect for line and fill. 12. Save the Urban Theme Effect to the Theme template using a suitable name. 13. Close the document without saving it.


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Lesson 3 - U SING Q UICK P ARTS This lesson covers the following objectives:

Creating a Quick Part Adding Quick Parts to a Document Inserting Document Property Fields Using the Building Blocks Organizer Exercise

Lesson 3 – Using Quick Parts

Word 2016


To avoid having to repeatedly reenter the same content in different documents, Word provides an environment for establishing and reusing building blocks. These building blocks can consist of text without formatting, paragraphs, and other content such as lists, images, or customized smart shapes.

Word stores these in a gallery managed by the Quick Parts tool. The building blocks that Quick Parts manages include a wide range of gallery types, such as Headers and Footers, Cover Pages, and Watermarks. When you create a building block, you can choose which gallery to keep it in and can assign a category and a description to it.

Create a new Building Block

NOTE To capture the content formatting, you must include the paragraph marks in your selection before saving it as a building block. When you save the building block, you have the option of assigning it to a different gallery and category. The default options are the Quick Parts gallery and the General category. You can add a text description, although the gallery also provides a preview of the building block.

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