Word 2016 Tips and Tricks
Lesson 2 – Formatting with Document Themes
Word 2016
Practice Data
1. Select the Page Layout tab.
Click Page Layout
The Page Layout tab is displayed.
2. Select Themes in the Themes group. The Themes dialog box opens.
3. Select the desired theme from the listed themes, or Browse for Themes , or, if connected to the Internet, browse for More Themes on Microsoft Office Online… . The theme selected is applied to the document, and the Quick Styles Gallery is updated accordingly. The Themes dialog box closes.
In the Built-In list, click Basis
C REATING N EW T HEME C OLORS D ISCUSSION Document themes consist of three components: colors, fonts, and line and fill effects. Create new color combinations or fonts for use in the current document or in themes.
The color component consists of text and background, accent, and hyperlink colors.
If you want to apply the changes to new documents, save them as a custom document theme.
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