Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Lesson 1 – Indenting Paragraphs
Word 2016
T ASK Work with paragraph indents.
1. Open Indentex.docx . 2. Create a first line indent of 0.5 inch (one tab stop) in the paragraph beginning Worldwide Sporting Goods manufactures... . 3. Increase the indent of the list starting with the word Equipment and ending with the word Memorabilia three tab stops to the right. 4. Create a hanging indent of 1.5 inches (three tab stops) for the Equipment paragraph below the list. 5. Indent the second paragraph under Equipment three tab stops to the right. 6. Create a hanging indent of 1.5 inches (three tabs) for the Clothing , Supplies , and Memorabilia paragraphs. 7. On page 2, indent the paragraph under Terms and Conditions of Sale one tab stop to the right. Then, create a right indent at one tab stop to the left for the same paragraph. 8. Close the document without saving it.
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