Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Lesson 12 – Protecting A Document
Word 2016
while denying them access to the parts of the document that they are not working on. Using document protection features, restrict access to regions of a document so that only those granted permission to edit that region are allowed to make editing changes.
When the editing restrictions are set to Comments or No changes (Read only) , an Exceptions (optional) field appears in the Restrict Editing task pane. You can allow anyone to freely edit a region of the document by selecting the text you want to unprotect in the document pane and then selecting the Everyone option in the Groups list in the task pane. You can also grant permission to other groups listed in the list box. To grant editing permission to individual users, select the More users link and type the user name of someone in your domain, on another domain, or enter the person’s e-mail address. Your entries should look like tjames@ptsls.com;jwong@ptsls.com or testcont\tjames;testcont\jwong. The names you add appear in an Individuals list box, which is added to the Exceptions section. Use the Exceptions section to select document regions you want to unprotect and names of people to whom you want to allow free editing of those regions.
Repeat the procedure for as many regions of the document you wish to allow editing. After identifying all the exceptions, select the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button at the bottom of the Restrict Editing task pane.
When you open a protected document that includes exceptions, the Restrict Editing task pane displays the Find Next Region I can Edit and Show All Regions I Can Edit buttons. Use these buttons to navigate to regions you have permission to edit.
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