Word 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson 2 – Using Styles

Word 2016



T ASK Create and work with styles.

1. Open Exstyle.docx . 2. Display the Styles group on the Home tab. 3. Apply the Heading 1 style to the first paragraph of the document, Worldwide Sporting Goods and then center the paragraph. 4. Use the Worldwide Sporting Goods title to create a new style named WSG Heading . 5. Modify the WSG Heading style to include double line spacing. 6. Apply the WSG Heading style to the Summer Equipment Showcase heading on page 1 and to the Directions to the Central Valley Convention Center heading on page 2. 7. Create a new paragraph style named My List , based on the Heading 3 style. Add the following formats: Arial, 14 points; left indent of 1.5 inches; and space before and after of 6 points. 8. Apply the My List style to the list beginning with Special offers and ending with Promotional items . 9. Create a character style named Emphasis 2 , based on the text Morning on page 1. Then, apply the style to the text Midday and Evening . 10. Clear the formatting from the text Summer Equipment Showcase . 11. Delete the WSG Heading style. 12. Close the Styles dialog box, if you have it open, and then close the document without saving it.

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