Word 2016 Why Does Word Do That? Using Auto Features

Lesson 1 – Using AutoCorrect

Word 2016

Click at the beginning of the text Treadmaster Rower in the fifth paragraph, type BEfit and press the [Spacebar] . Make sure that you type the text with an uppercase B and E . Notice that Word corrects the text to Befit .


Practice Data

1. Point to text that was AutoCorrected.

Point to Befit

A blue bar appears below the text.

2. Point to the blue bar under the AutoCorrected text. The AutoCorrect Options button appears. 3. Click the AutoCorrect Options button.

Point to the blue bar under the word Befit


A list of available options appears.

4. Select the desired option. The option is selected.

Click Change back to “BEfit”

C REATING A UTO C ORRECT E XCEPTIONS  D ISCUSSION Sometimes you might not want AutoCorrect to correct specific text, although you do want the AutoCorrect option enabled. In these instances, you can create an exception.

There are two common types of exceptions. By default, Word capitalizes the first letter of the first word after a period. This means that the first word after any abbreviation is potentially capitalized. Word maintains a list of exceptions, and you can add to this list if you have abbreviations you use regularly.

The other common type of exception involves initial capitals. Normally, Word corrects a word such as BEfit to read Befit . You may, however, have a product line called BEfit that you do not want Word to correct. Although you can disable the Correct TWo INitial CApitals option, you do not want to disable it just for one word. On the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box, INitial CAps tab, list words you want Word to ignore.

Use the Other Corrections page to list exceptions that do not fall into either of the above categories.

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