Word 2016 Why Does Word Do That? Using Auto Features

Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Working with Lists

Scroll as necessary to view all the text under the Product Features heading.


Practice Data

1. Select the list items to add bullets or numbers. The text is highlighted as you drag.

Drag from the Body Lean Exercise Bike text to the word handgrips to select the complete list

2. Release the mouse button. The text is selected.

Release the mouse button

3. Select the Home tab, if necessary. The Home tab appears. 4. Select the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group. The Multilevel List gallery opens. 5. Select the desired multilevel list style from the List Library section in the Multilevel List gallery. The Multilevel List gallery closes and the selected style is applied to the selected text.



Click the bulleted style (second row, first column)

Click anywhere in the document to deselect the list.


Word lets you create and customize bullet and numbering styles, including styles for multilevel lists. Create a new style from scratch or edit an existing style and save it as a new style.

After you have used or customized a numbered or bulleted list style, Word adds that style in the corresponding gallery; under Recently Used Number Formats , or Recently Used Bullets and, in the associated Library . Select the customized style from the gallery if you wish to apply the same bulleting or numbering elsewhere in the current document, or in any other document on the same computer.

Use the List Styles feature to create a new style. This feature allows you to define a style for each level of your bulleted or numbered list, with images or different font styles applied at any level. This is particularly useful when you want to use a bullet or numbering style consistently


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