Word 2016 Why Does Word Do That? Using Auto Features

Lesson 3 – Working with AutoFormat

Word 2016


Practice Data

8. Close the Word Options dialog box. The Word Options dialog box closes, and you are returned to the document.


Practice the Concept: Delete the existing text. Then type Agenda and press [Enter] twice. Type the numbered list again: 1. Sales report , [Enter] and 2. New products , [Enter] .

Notice that Word identifies the title as a heading and formats it, but does not format the numbered list.

Open the AutoFormat As You Type page in the AutoCorrect dialog box. Deselect the Built-in Heading styles option and select the Automatic numbered lists option. Select OK , then close the Word Options dialog box.

Close the document without saving it.


When you are not sure how you want a document to appear, AutoFormat can help you select the appropriate look. AutoFormat analyzes each paragraph in a document and then applies the appropriate formatting. For example, if AutoFormat detects a heading, it automatically applies a heading style. Specify the extent of the formatting applied by enabling or disabling particular options on the AutoFormat page in the AutoCorrect dialog box, available in Proofing in Word Options . All options are enabled by default. Options that can be enabled or disabled in the Apply section include applying automatic formatting to headings, lists, automatic bulleted lists, and other paragraphs. Replace options include replacing straight quotes ( " ) with smart quotes ( “ , ” ), ordinals ( 1st , 2nd , 3rd , etc.) with superscripts ( 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , etc.), and typed fractions ( 1/4 ) with fraction characters ( ¼ ) for any fraction available in the current character set.

Selecting the Styles option in the Preserve section retains styles already applied to document text. This option prevents AutoFormat from replacing styles you may have previously applied to text.

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