Word 2016 Headers on the Top & Page numbers on the Bottom
Lesson 3 – Inserting Dates and Symbols
Word 2016
Word can automatically insert the current date, time, or both into a document. For example, use this feature if you are creating a legal document and the creation date and time are crucial and need to be seen whenever the document is opened or printed. Add the date and time from the Date and Time dialog box.
The Date and Time dialog box provides several date and time formats in various combinations. If you prefer to use one date and time format exclusively, set that format as the default. Depending on the multilingual capabilities installed with Microsoft Office, you can insert the date and time in another language format by selecting the desired language from the Language list.
The Update automatically option in the Date and Time dialog box inserts the date as a field that automatically displays the current date and time each time you open or print the document. If the Update automatically option is not selected, the insertion date or time into the document appears.
Date and Time dialog box
NOTE Toggle the view for any field between the field code and the field result by selecting the field and pressing the [Shift+F9] key combination.
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