Word 2016 Tracking Changes Explained
Word 2016
Lesson 1 – Working with Comments and Revisions
Practice Data
7. Select the Browse for Revised button to the right of the Revised document box. The Open dialog box opens.
Click beside the Revised document box
Double-click REV_EK.DOCX
8. Select the revised version of the document.
The filename appears in the Revised document box and the name of the last person who saved changes in the revised document is displayed in the Label changes with field.
9. Select the More button in the
Compare Documents dialog box. The dialog box expands to display more options.
In the Comparison settings section, ensure that all options are selected. In the Show changes section, select Word level and New document .
10. Select the desired settings in the expanded dialog box.
The desired settings are selected and become the new default settings for comparing documents.
11. Select the OK button.
The documents are compared and a new version of the document with the differences marked as tracked changes appears in the Compared Document pane. The Vertical Reviewing Pane appears to the left of the Compared Document pane. The Original Document and Revised Document are displayed in two more panes to the right of the Compared Document pane.
12. Select the File Tab. The File menu opens.
Click Save As
13. Select the Save As option. The Save As screen appears.
Click Browse
14. Select the Browse option.
The Save As dialog box appears.
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