Word 2016 Use a Table for That!

Word 2016

Lesson 2 – Editing a Table

M ERGING C ELLS  D ISCUSSION Merge two or more adjacent cells into a single cell. You may want to merge cells, for example, to create a table heading by spanning text in one cell across the entire table.

When you are selecting cells to merge, select an entire row or column, or select just the cells you want to merge.

Two groups of merged cells

NOTE Merge cells by selecting the cells, then right-click and select the Merge Cells option from the shortcut menu. Easily merge two cells in the table by using the Eraser button in the Draw Borders group on the Design tab to erase the gridline between them.


1. Select the cells you want to merge. 2. Select the Table Tools Layout tab.

3. Select the Merge Cells button

in the Merge group.


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