Excel 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 4 – Creating/Revising PivotTables

Excel 2016

16. Maximize your browser window, if necessary. 17. Close your browser window. 18. Return to the Sheet 1 PivotTable and insert a Slicer for Sales Rep . 19. Filter on each of the Sales Reps. 20. Use the Keyboard to select Multiple Sales Reps. 21. Select multiple Slicer Styles. 22. Clear the filter to show all Sales Reps. 23. Create a PivotChart report from the World worksheet; base the PivotChart on the same data as the PivotTable on Sheet1 and place the PivotChart report in a new worksheet. 24. Create the following layout:



Axis Fields (Category)


Total Income


Legend Fields (Series)

Sales Rep

Date Sold

Report Filter

25. Display only those products sold by John Carpenter . Then, display all sales representatives again. 26. Close the workbook without saving it.

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