Excel 2016 Tips and Tricks

Excel 2016

Lesson 2 – Working with Tables

The data to be defined as a table must be arranged in consecutive columns and rows to form a list of similar information. The data in each row must refer to a single item in the list, such as a person in an address list. Each column must contain consistent information about the items in each row. In an address list, all the city names must be in one column, all the postal codes in another column, and so on. Usually, a table has labels, called headers, at the top of each column to describe the data in the column. If your data does not have headers, Excel adds default headers when you define it as a table, with the labels Column1 , Column2 , a. You can overtype these with descriptive names for your columns, if desired.

When defining the table range, it is not necessary to select the range of cells if the table is based on an entire range of consecutive cell entries. When you select a cell in the range, Excel assumes that you want to use all the consecutive cells for the table.

When a range is defined as a table, Filter arrows appear in the header row of the table, a table style is applied to the range and the Table Tools contextual Design tab appears.

You can create multiple tables on the same worksheet.

Creating a table from existing data


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