Excel 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 2 – Working with Tables

Excel 2016


Practice Data

11. Select the Column Then by list. A list of table column names is displayed. 12. Select the name of the column you want to use for the second level of sorting. The column name appears in the Then by box.

Click Then

Click Year

13. Select the Sort On list.

Click Sort On

A list of options is displayed.

14. Select the desired option.

Click Values , if necessary

The selected option appears in the Sort On box.

15. Select the Order list.

Click Order

A list of options is displayed.

16. Select the desired option.

Click Smallest to Largest , if necessary

The selected option appears in the Order box.

17. Add additional levels of sorting as required. The additional sort levels are displayed in the Sort dialog box.

Follow the instructions shown below the table before continuing to the next step

18. Select OK .


The Sort dialog box closes and the table data is sorted.

Click the Add Level button. Select the Column Then By list and click Month . Select the Sort On list and click Values , if necessary. Select the Order list and click Custom List . In the Custom Lists dialog box, select the Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun option from the Custom lists box, then click OK .

Return to the table and continue to step 18.

Practice the Concept: Click the Sort button to reopen the Sort dialog box. Add another sort level to sort by Product values in A to Z order. Notice that the new level is added just after the first level. Use the Move Down button at the top of the Sort dialog box to move the new sort level to the bottom of the list of levels. Click OK to apply the new sort level. Notice that where there is

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