Excel 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 2 – Working with Tables

Excel 2016


Practice Data

9. Enter the desired limits. The limits appear in the appropriate boxes.

Follow the instructions shown below the table before continuing to the next step

10. Select or deselect the Ignore Blank option, as desired. The option is selected or deselected accordingly.


Ignore Blank to

deselect it

11. Select OK .


The Data Validation dialog box closes and data validation is applied to the selected cells.

Click in the Minimum box and type 2006 . Click in the Maximum box and type 2010 .

Return to the table and continue to step 10.

Type 2004 in cell E9 and press [Enter] . A Microsoft Office Excel message box opens, informing you that your entry is not valid. Select Retry to close the message box. Type 2007 and press [Enter] .

Press [Delete] to delete the entry in cell E9 . Notice the Error button that appears beside the cell. Click the Error button and select Display Type Information from the menu that appears. Notice the Field Type Information message that opens. Click OK to close the message. Type 2007 in cell E9 and press [Enter] .


You can use data validation to restrict cell entry to specific values in a list. The list values can be text or numbers, such as a list of region names or a list of exact prices instead of minimum and maximum numbers.

When you restrict data entry in a cell to a specified list, you can choose whether a drop-down arrow appears when the user selects the cell. If you choose to use the drop-down option, the user can either select a valid entry from the list or type a valid entry. If you choose not to use the drop-down option, the user must type a valid entry. In both cases, entries that are not in the validation list are considered invalid.

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