Excel 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 3 – Using Advanced Functions

Excel 2016

The syntax of an IF function is:

=IF(logical test,value if true,value if false)

The function arguments are described in the following table:



logical test

The test condition. It can contain cell references, text in quotes, cell names, and numbers. The items are compared using the following comparison operators: = equal to <> not equal to > greater than >= greater than or equal to < less than <= less than or equal to The desired result if the logical test is true. It can be a number, formula, cell reference, cell name, text in quotes, or another function. The desired result if the logical test is false. It can be a number, formula, cell reference, cell name, text in quotes, or another function.

value if true

value if false

Some examples of the IF function are listed in the following table:

IF Function


If the number in cell B7 is greater than 10, multiply the number in cell C7 by .1 ; otherwise, return the number 0 If the number in cell B7 is less than or equal to 10, multiply the number in cell C7 by .1 ; otherwise, multiply the number in cell D7 by .1 If the number in cell B7 is not equal to 10, enter the text GOOD in the current cell; otherwise, leave the cell blank




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