Excel 2016 Managing Worksheets
Lesson 3 – Using Large Worksheets
Excel 2016
Practice Data
1. To split the window into horizontal panes, drag the
Drag the horizontal split box to between rows 8 and 9
horizontal split box to the desired row. The window is split horizontally. 2. To view different areas of the worksheet in the horizontal panes, click either vertical scroll bar. The horizontal panes display different areas of the worksheet. 3. To split the window into vertical panes, drag the vertical split box to the desired column. The window is split vertically.
Click in the lower pane until the third quarter data appears
Drag the vertical split box to between columns D and E
4. To view different areas of the
Click in the right pane three times
worksheet in the vertical panes, click either horizontal scroll bar. All panes display different areas of the worksheet.
You can remove the panes from a workbook window by double-clicking the horizontal or vertical split bar. You can remove the panes when you no longer need to view distant areas of the worksheet. For example, after you have viewed the regional totals in a large sales worksheet, you may want to view only the figures for one region.
NOTE You can also use the Split button on the View tab to remove split windows. It acts as a toggle button, when it is clicked it will remove the split.
1. To remove horizontal panes, double-click the horizontal split bar. 2. To remove vertical panes, double-click the vertical split bar.
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