Excel 2016 Macros
Lesson 2 - Recording Macros
Excel 2016
Practice Data
1. Select the desired cell in the worksheet. The cell is selected. 2. Click the Record Macro button in the Code group on the Developer tab. The Record Macro dialog box opens with the suggested name highlighted in the Macro name box . 3. Type the desired macro name. The new name appears in the Macro name box.
Click A14
Type Company
4. Select the Description box.
Click in the Description box
The insertion point is placed in the Description box.
5. Type the desired macro description. The text appears in the Description box.
Type Runs the Company label
6. Select OK .
The Record Macro dialog box closes. The Record Macro button in the Code group changes to the Stop Recording button and a Stop Recording button is also displayed on the status bar. Click the Use Relative References button in the Code group on the Developer tab. The Use Relative References button is selected and highlighted.
8. Perform the steps in the
Follow the instructions shown below the table before continuing to the next step
procedure that you want to automate. The procedure is carried out and recorded.
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