Excel 2016 Macros
Lesson 4 – Creating Macro Buttons
Excel 2016
A DDING A M ACRO TO A Q UICK A CCESS T OOLBAR D ISCUSSION You can add a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar ( QAT ). When you add a macro to the QAT , Excel assigns a special custom button to the macro. If you add several macros to the QAT , the button for each macro will look the same. You can easily modify the buttons and assign a different image to each button from a gallery of button designs. When you add a macro to the QAT , you can choose whether to add it to the QAT for all documents or just for the current document. Macros stored in the Personal Macro Workbook are available for all documents and can be added to the QAT for all documents. Macros stored in an individual workbook are only available when that workbook is open; you should add these macros to the QAT for the specific workbook in which they are used.
Adding a macro to a Quick Access Toolbar
NOTE If you add a macro that is stored in a specific workbook to the Quick Access Toolbar for all documents, although the macro button will always be visible on the QAT , you will only be able to run the macro when the workbook in which it is stored is open. If you try to run the macro in a workbook that does not contain the macro, a Microsoft Office Excel message will open warning you that the macro cannot run.
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