Access 2016 Intermediate
Access 2016
Lesson 7 – Using Advanced Database Features
Practice Data
9. Enter the desired name for the database object.
Type Names
The text appears in the Export Reps to field.
10. Select OK .
The Export dialog box closes, and the table is exported.
11. Select Close .
The Export Access Database dialog box closes.
Open the Employee database from the student data folder. Notice that the Names table appears in the Tables object list. Close EMPLOYEE.ACCDB .
With Acces 2007, data is stored in a different format than earlier versions of Access; where previous versions used the .mdb file extension, Access 2007, 2010, and 2016 uses the .accdb file extension. You can open .mdb files in Access 2016, but you cannot open .accdb files in earlier versions of Access. As a result, you can work with and modify Access 2000, 2002 and 2003 files in Access 2016 without having to convert them .
Whenever you open a database created in an earlier version of Access, you have an opportunity to convert the database.
Always make a copy of your Microsoft Access database before you convert it. This step will ensure that your original file is still intact if you encounter a problem during conversion.
NOTE When you convert a previous version Microsoft Access database that contains linked tables, make sure the external tables were not moved; if Microsoft Access cannot find the linked tables, you cannot use the converted database.
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