Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 1 – Setting Field Properties
Access 2016
Setting Field Size in Field Properties
For a Text field, the field size is the maximum number of characters you want to allow in the field, up to the maximum of 255 characters allowed by Access. For a Number field, you can select one of the following Field Size options:
Field Size
Size Range
Decimal Places
0 to 255 (no fractions)
None; data is rounded
-32768 to 32767 (no fractions) None; data is rounded
Long Integer
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (no fractions)
None; data is rounded
-3.4x10 38 to 3.4x10 38
Up to 7
-1.797x10 308 to 1.797x10 308
Up to 15
Replication ID
Globally unique identifier
Not available
-10 28 to 10 28
Up to 28
For an AutoNumber field, only the Long Integer and Replication ID options are available.
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