Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 7 - Using Advanced Database Features
Access 2016
Open the Customers table in Design view and change the Store Name field to Store . Close the Customers table, saving the changes. Then, open the Customers form in Form view; notice that Access is unable to find values for the Store Name field. Close the Customers form.
Practice Data
1. Select the File tab.
The Backstage view opens.
2. Select the Options button.
Click Options
The Access Options dialog box opens.
3. Select the Current Database option. The Current Database page appears.
Click Current Database
4. Scroll as necessary and select the
Track name
Track name AutoCorrect info option. The Track name AutoCorrect info option is selected and a Microsoft Office Access warning box opens, telling you that it may take several minutes to generate the name maps.
AutoCorrect info
5. Select OK .
The Microsoft Office Access warning box closes.
6. Select additional options under Name AutoCorrect as desired. The options are selected.
Perform name
7. Select OK .
The Access Options dialog box closes.
View the Reps form in Form view; then, close the Reps form. Open the Reps table in Design view and change the FIRST_NAME field to FirstN . Close the table and save the changes. Open the Reps form again in Design view. Notice that Access automatically corrected the name of the source data for the FIRST_NAME field. Switch to Form view; notice that there are no error messages. Access has corrected the field name discrepancy.
Close the Reps form.
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