Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 1 – Setting Field Properties
Access 2016
Practice Data
3. Select the Field Size property.
Click in the Field Size box
A drop-down arrow appears in the Field Size box.
4. Select the Field Size list, or type the desired value. A list of available options appears.
Click Field Size
5. Select the desired option, if applicable.
Click Double
The option appears in the Field Size box.
Save the changes to the table.
Practice the Concept : Change the size of the Postal Code field to 8 .
Save the table; a Microsoft Office Access warning box will warn you that some data may be lost. Since there are currently no entries in that field with more than seven characters, you can select Yes . If there had been more than eight characters in any existing record, the extra characters would have been deleted.
Close the Customers table.
The Format property affects how data appears in Datasheet view, not how it is stored in the table nor how it is used in calculations. If a Number data type field is formatted with 0 decimal places, for example, a value of 1.5 would appear as 2 in the datasheet; if the value is multiplied by 2 in a calculation, however, the answer would be 3, not 4.
The available formats for fields with Number data types are listed in the following table:
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