Access 2016 Intermediate

Access 2016

Lesson 11 – Using Advanced Form Design

If necessary, display the ruler.


Practice Data

1. Select the Design tab on the Ribbon . The Design tab appears.

Click Design

2. Click the List Box button in the Controls group.


The mouse pointer changes into a copy of the tool with a plus sign (+) when positioned over the form.

3. Click in the form in the location where you want the combo box to appear. An outline of the list box appears on the form and the List Box Wizard opens.

Click just under the Shipping Cost text box

4. Select the desired option for the source of the list box values.


I will type in the

values that I want.

The desired source option is selected.

5. Select Next .


The next page of the List Box Wizard appears with the insertion point in the Number of columns box. 6. Type the number of columns for the list box. The number appears in the Number of columns box.

Type 1 , if necessary

7. Press [Tab] .

Press [Tab]

The insertion point appears in the row under Col1 .

8. Type the first value for the list box. The text appears in the row.

Type US Mail

9. Press [Tab] .

Press [Tab]

The value is entered into the row and the insertion point moves to the next row in the column.


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