Access 2016 Intermediate

Lesson 11 – Using Advanced Form Design

Access 2016


Practice Data

6. Type other labels as desired. The labels appear in the rows.

Type Medium markets on the second row, press [Tab] and type Large metro markets on the third row.

7. Select Next .


The next page of the Option Group Wizard appears.

8. Select the desired option for the default. The default option is selected.


No, I don’t want

a default.

9. Select Next .


The next page of the Option Group Wizard appears with the insertion point in the first row under Values . 10. Type new values for the labels, if desired, and select Next . The next page of the Option Group Wizard appears. 11. Select the desired storage option for the field. The desired storage option is selected. 12. Select the Store the value in this field list, if applicable. A list of fields appears.



Store the value

in this field

Click Store the value in this field

13. Select the desired field name, if applicable.

Scroll as necessary and click Customer Type

The desired field name appears in the Store the value in this field box.

14. Select Next .


The next page of the Option Group Wizard appears.

15. Select the desired option for the control type. The desired control type option is


selected and a preview appears in the Sample box.

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