Access 2016 Intermediate

Access 2016

Lesson 11 – Using Advanced Form Design




Use advanced form design.

1. Open ADVFORMX.ACCDB . 2. Open the New Payment Form form in Design view. Display the ruler, if necessary. 3. Create a combo box for the trainers’ initials just below the Payment Date text box. 4. Indicate that the combo box should look up values in a table as the source for the values in the list. Select Table: Trainer as the table and include the Initials field in the combo box. Accept the default sort order and column width. Store the values entered in the combo box in the Trainer Initials field and label the combo box Trainer Initials . 5. Create a list box for the credit rating just below the Trainer Initials combo box. 6. Indicate that you want to type in the values for the list box. Use one column and type the values A , B , and C as separate entries. Store the values entered in the list box in the Credit Rating field and label the list box Credit Rating . 7. Reduce the height of the list box so that it displays only one line of text. Move the controls under, and left-aligned with the Trainer Initials controls. 8. Select the Project ID , Payment Date , Trainer Initials , and Credit Rating bound controls (text boxes) and size them to the narrowest size. Then, vertically space them equally. 9. Create an option group just below the Total Sale text box. 10. Type Yes and No as the label names and select Yes as the default choice. Change the default value of the Yes label to -1 and the No label to 0 . Store the value entered in the option group in the Recorded field. Use Option buttons as controls and select the Raised style. Enter Recorded? as the label. 11. Open the Tab Order dialog box and set the tab order automatically. 12. Switch to Form view and press [Tab] as necessary to view the tab order. Return to Design view. 13. Create a custom tab order. Move the Payment Date field above the Amount Paid field and close the Tab Order dialog box. 14. Display the form header in Design view and create a label with the text Payment Form in the left side of the form header.


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