Access 2016 Intermediate
Access 2010
Lesson 12 – Using Advanced Report Design
Practice Data
2. Click the Text Box tool in the Controls group. The mouse pointer changes into a text
box with a plus sign (+) when positioned over the report.
3. Click in the desired location for the control. An unbound text box and a label appear. 4. Type the desired calculated control expression. The calculated expression appears in the text box.
Click in the Detail section at 6" on the horizontal ruler
Type =[unit price]*[quantity]
5. Press [Enter] .
Press [Enter]
The calculated control expression is entered into the control.
6. Select the label box paired with the control. Sizing handles appear around the label.
Click the Text xx : ( xx is a number) label to the left of the calculated control
7. Press [Delete] .
Press [Delete]
The label box is deleted.
Select the calculated control, open the Property Sheet (F4) , and use the Format property on the Format page to change the properties of the control so that it displays in currency format. Close the Property Sheet .
Select the Quantity text box control and the new calculated control in the Detail section and use the Align button in the Sizing & Ordering group of the Arrange tab to align the tops of both controls.
Preview the report. Scroll as necessary and view the Item Total column. Notice that the product of the unit price and the quantity is producing the Item Total column. Also, notice that the Item Total column appears in currency format. Switch back to Design view.
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