Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 12 - Using Advanced Report Design
Access 2010
Practice Data
3. Type the new measurement for the top margin. The new measurement replaces the existing measurement in the Top box.
Type .75
4. Select the text in the Bottom box.
Press [Tab]
The text in the Bottom box is selected.
5. Type the new measurement for the bottom margin. The new measurement replaces the existing measurement in the Bottom box.
Type .75
6. Select the text in the Left box.
Press [Tab]
The text in the Left box is selected.
7. Type the new measurement for the left margin. The new measurement replaces the existing measurement in the Left box.
Type .75
8. Select the text in the Right box.
Press [Tab]
The text in the Right box is selected.
9. Type the new measurement for the right margin. The new measurement replaces the existing measurement in the Right box.
Type .75
10. Select OK .
The Page Setup dialog box closes and the margins for the report are set.
Preview the report to view the completed report with the new margins.
Close print preview and the report without saving the changes.
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