Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 12 - Using Advanced Report Design
Access 2010
Practice Data
3. Select Design View .
The blank report appears in Design View .
4. Select the table or query on which you want to base the report. The table or query name appears in the Choose the table or query where the object’s data comes from box. 5. Drag items onto the report as desired. The items appear on the report as appropriate.
Double-click Customers in the Field List
Follow the instructions shown below the table to complete this step
Drag the Customer Number , Store Name , Contact Name , and Sales Rep fields to the 3" mark on the horizontal ruler in the Detail section. Click in a blank area of the report to deselect the controls and equally space the controls vertically on the report. Enlarge the report grid to the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler. Then, move the Customer Number controls to the left margin. Decrease the size of the Detail section by dragging the bottom border up, just under the last field.
Display the report header and footer sections and add a left-aligned label to the Report Header section with the text, Customer Contact Information .
Print preview the report and then return to Design view.
Close the report and save it as Customer Contact . Close ADVREP.ACCDB .
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