Access 2016 Intermediate
Access 2016
Lesson 1 – Setting Field Properties
Set field properties.
1. Open FIELDS1X.ACCDB . 2. Open the Payment table in Design view.
3. Set the Format property for the Payment Date field to Short Date . 4. Set the Format property for the Amount Paid field to Currency .
5. Set a validation rule for the Amount Paid field, so that it can only contain values greater than ten dollars. ( Hint: Type >10 .) Then, enter the following validation text: The amount paid must be greater than ten dollars .
6. Set the Format property for the Recorded field to Yes/No . 7. Set a default value of “CHECK” for the Type of Payment field.
8. Switch to Datasheet view, saving the changes. Select Yes to any Microsoft Office Access warning boxes. Notice the formats of the Payment Date and Amount Paid fields. Scroll to the new record row; notice that the default value of CHECK appears in the Type of Payment field. Create a new record with a Project ID of 11 , a Payment Date of 4/1/03 , and an Amount Paid of 5 . Select OK when prompted with the validation text and replace the 5 with 25 in the Amount Paid field. Then, close the Payment table. 9. Open the Reps table in Design view. 10. Select the Initials field and create the following input mask: >LL . (This mask will require the data to be two letters and will automatically format them as uppercase.) 11. Switch to Datasheet view, saving the changes. Then, add the following new record: Initials pj (Notice that Access automatically capitalizes the entry in the Initials field.) 12. Switch to Design view and use the Input Mask Wizard to apply the Phone Number mask to the Home Phone field. Then, save the table. 13. Select the Zip field and open the Input Mask Wizard. Add a new input mask named Short Zip . ( Hint: Use the Edit List button and create a new mask using the New Record button.) Type the following input mask: !00000 with a sample data zip code of 11111 . Then, apply the Short Zip input mask to the Zip field.
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