Access 2016 Intermediate
Lesson 2 – Modifying Tables
Access 2010
and vice versa. Many-to-many relationships often apply to order and product relationships, in which an order can include many products and a product can appear in many orders.
This type of relationship is made possible through the use of a third table, called a junction table, that includes its own primary key field and two foreign key fields, one from each of the two tables being related. A many-to-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships, linked by the junction table.
NOTE The Show Table dialog box opens automatically if no tables were added to the Relationships window. Create relationships in the Show Table dialog box by selecting the tables you want to relate and pressing [Enter] .
1. Select the Database Tools tab, if necessary.
2. Click the Relationships button
on the Database Tools tab.
3. Click the Show Table button
on the Design tab, if necessary.
4. Select the tables you want to join.
5. Select
6. Select in the Show Table dialog box. 7. Drag the desired field for the first join from the junction table field list to the corresponding field in the related table field list. 8. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity option. . 10. Drag the desired field for the second join from the junction table field list to the corresponding field in the second related field list. 11. Select the Enforce Referential Integrity option. 9. Select
12. Select . 13. Close the Relationships window.
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