Outlook 2016 Introduction
Outlook 2016
Lesson 4 – Working with Components and Office
1. Display a message with an attachment in the Reading Pane or open it in a message window. 2. Double-click the attachment icon. 3. Click Enable Editing
4. Click the Close button on the title bar to close Microsoft Word.
Read an attachment in its source application.
Note: You will need Microsoft Word 2016 installed on your computer to complete this step-by-step.
If necessary, open your Inbox and display the Reading Pane. You should have received an Awards Dinner message with the Awards23 attachment.
Practice Data
1. Display a message with an attachment in the Reading Pane or open it in a message window. The message appears in the Reading Pane or in a message window. 2. Double-click the attachment icon. The document will open in Protected view Word. 3. Click the Close button on the title bar to close Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word closes and Microsoft Outlook appears.
Click the Awards Dinner message, if necessary
Awards27.docx (27
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