Outlook 2016 Introduction
Outlook 2016
Lesson 1 – Exploring Outlook
Open Outlook 2016.
Practice Data
1. Select the Start button on the Taskbar. The Start menu appears.
Click or
2. Point to All Apps .
Point to All Apps
The All Apps submenu appears.
3. Point to Microsoft Outlook 2016 . Microsoft Outlook opens.
4. If prompted , follow the steps to select a profile, and enter your user name and password information. Outlook opens.
Follow the instructions below to complete this step
If a Choose Profile dialog box opens, select a profile from the Profile Name list and select OK . If a dialog box opens prompting for your user name, password, and possibly your domain name, enter the appropriate information and select OK .
Depending on your setup, Outlook may open with the Outlook Today page or Inbox folder selected.
U SING THE O UTLOOK I NTERFACE D ISCUSSION When Outlook starts, the application window opens. When you use Outlook with a Windows 10 theme, you will notice the colorful appearance of the screen. The title bar, which appears at the top of the application window, displays the name of the current folder and application. Under the title bar are Tabs. Each Tab is labeled and underneath these is the Ribbon. The File tab is the first tab in the series. It is always a solid color (default is Blue) and can be clicked to open the Backstage View. The Backstage View is for common tasks like Printing and getting to Outlook Options.
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