Outlook 2016 Introduction
Lesson 6 – Scheduling with the Calendar
Outlook 2016
Practice Data
4. Type a subject for the appointment. The subject appears in the Subject box.
Type Research for Global Proposal
5. Select the Location box.
Press [Tab]
The insertion point appears in the Location box.
6. Type a location for the appointment. The text appears in the Location box. 7. Select the Categorize button in the Options group . A list of categories appears. 8. Select the category option you want to appear in the appointment’s info bar, the color of which will also be used for this appointment in the calendar window. The appropriate option is selected.
Type Library
Click Purple Category
9. Select the Reminder list.
A list of reminder times appears.
10. Select the desired time the alarm should warn you in advance of the appointment. The time is selected.
Click 30 minutes
11. Select the Show as list. The Show as list appears.
12. Select the option you want to appear in the appointment’s selected time slot when viewed by other users. The appropriate option is selected. 13. Select the body of the appointment. The insertion point appears in the body of the Appointment window. 14. Type details about the appointment. The text appears in the details box of the Appointment window.
Click Tentative
Press [Tab]
Type Review RFP and draft a rough outline for the development team.
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