Outlook 2016 Introduction
Lesson 7 – Managing Contacts
Outlook 2016
Practice Data
14. To add details for an additional phone number, address or e-mail address, select the list arrow for the field. A list of field names appears.
Click Business Fax...
15. Select the desired field name.
Click Assistant
The selected field name appears to the left of the list arrow, and the insertion point appears in the field box.
16. Type the field information.
Type 800-555-8878
The information appears in the field box.
17. Select the notes box to enter notes, if desired. The insertion point appears in the notes box.
Click in the large blank notes box on the right
18. Enter the notes.
Type Internet and spreadsheet expertise.
The notes appear in the notes box.
19. Select the Details button in the Show group. The Details page appears. 20. Select a box on the Details page. The insertion point appears in the desired box. 21. Type the desired information in the selected box. The information appears in the box.
Click in the Profession box
Type Technical Writer
22. Select the Save & Close button.
The Contact window closes and the new contact is added to the contact list.
Enter the following information on the General page:
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