Outlook 2016 Introduction
Lesson 2 – Sending and Receiving Messages
Outlook 2016
Practice Data
2. Type the name or address of the primary recipient.
Type the name or address of a fellow student as indicated by your instructor
The name or address of the recipient appears in the To box.
3. Select the Cc box.
Press [Tab]
The insertion point appears in the Cc box.
4. Type the name or address of the copied recipient.
Type the name or address of a fellow student as indicated by your instructor
The name or address of the recipient to whom the copy will be delivered appears in the Cc box.
5. Select the Subject box.
Press [Tab]
The insertion point appears in the Subject box.
6. Type the subject of the message.
Type Communicating through Outlook
The subject appears in the Subject box.
7. Select the message box.
Press [Tab]
The insertion point appears in the message box.
8. Type the body of the message.
Type Outlook allows you to send messages and schedule meetings.
The text appears in the message box.
9. Select the Send button on the toolbar. The message is sent to the appropriate recipients or stored temporarily in the Outbox folder.
Practice the Concept: Switch to the Calendar pane. Create another mail message by selecting the Home menu, clicking the New Items button and selecting the E-Mail Message command. Begin to type the e-mail address of the same student you typed in the To field in your first message. Notice that an AutoComplete box appears. Press [Enter] to fill in the rest of the address. Type AutoComplete Test in the subject field and It works. in the message box. Send the message.
Switch to the Mail pane and the Inbox folder. Notice that the messages appear in your Inbox under the Today category.
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