Outlook 2016 Introduction
Lesson 2 – Sending and Receiving Messages
Outlook 2016
Using the InfoBar
P ROCEDURES 1. Select or open a message that you have acted on. 2. Click the InfoBar in the Reading Pane or in the Message window. 3. Select the desired menu option. S TEP - BY -S TEP Use the InfoBar.
You should have sent and replied to a Worldwide Spring Expo message. If not, pair up with a fellow student and send a message with the subject Worldwide Spring Expo to each other. When you receive a message from your partner, select the Reply button and then send the reply. You, in turn, should receive a reply with the subject RE: Worldwide Spring Expo .
Practice Data
1. Select or open a message that you have acted on. The message appears in the Reading Pane or opens in a Message window with a blue InfoBar at the top of the message. 2. Click the InfoBar in the Reading Pane or in the Message window. A menu appears.
Click the Worldwide Spring Expo message
Click the InfoBar in the Reading Pane
3. Select the desired menu option. The selected action is taken.
Click Find related messages
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