Outlook 2016 Tips and Tricks

Lesson 4 – Managing Meetings

Outlook 2016

E XERCISE – M ANAGING M EETINGS  T ASK Practice managing meetings.

Note: To complete this exercise you will need to pair up with a fellow student to exchange meeting requests and messages. Substitute your initials for the < your initials > text in the meeting subjects.

1. Open the Calendar, if necessary.

2. Display the Day view for the current day. One partner should select the 9 :00 to 10:00 am time slot and the other the 10:00 to 11:00 am time slot. Open the Meeting window ( Hint: Select the Home tab, the New Meeting button. ) 3. The subject of the meeting is New Catalog:< your initials > and the meeting location is My office . Use AutoDate to schedule the meeting for a date two weeks from today, instead of the currently displayed date. Use the Scheduling page to invite your partner. Send the meeting request. Make a note of the date and time. 4. To schedule a second meeting, display the Calendar for a week from Friday and select the 1:00 to 3:00 pm time slot. Open the meeting planner. Schedule the Projector1 resource and invite your partner to the meeting. Make the meeting. 5. The meeting is called the Managers Meeting:< your initials > . For the location, substitute Board Room for Projector1 . Accept the other default settings, send the meeting request and close the meeting planner. Make a note of the date and time. 7. Propose a different time for the Managers Meeting:< your partner’s initials > . One partner should pick the 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM time slot and the other the 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM time slot. 8. When you receive a new time proposal from your partner, open the message and view all proposals. Select your partner’s proposal and send the update. 9. When you receive an update for the new time proposal for your partner’s meeting, accept the new meeting time. 10. Check the meeting responses for the Manager Meeting:< your initials > meeting for which you are the organizer. ( Hint: Use the Tracking page. ) 6. Accept the invitation to the New Catalog:< your partner’s initials > meeting.

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