Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson – Working with Folders and Forms

Outlook 2016

Open the Folder List pane and select the Notes folder. Create two new notes, with the note text Note1 and Note2 . Close both notes.


Practice Data

1. Right-click the folder whose

Right-click Notes

properties you want to change. A shortcut menu opens.

2. Select the Properties command.

Click Properties

The Properties dialog box opens with the General page displayed.

3. Select the tab containing the property you want to view. The selected page opens. 4. Select or deselect the desired options. The desired options are selected or deselected.

Click General


Show total

number of items

5. Select OK or Apply .


The Properties dialog box closes and the properties are saved, or the properties are applied and the Properties dialog box remains open.

Notice the number in parentheses next to the Notes folder indicating the number of items in the folder.

Practice the Concept: Synchronize the local and server folders by selecting the Send/Receive tab, the Send/Receive All Folders command, and the This Folder (Microsoft Exchange Server) command. Then open the Notes Properties dialog box again and select the Show number of unread items option. Select the Folder Size button and check the folder sizes for local data and server data. Close the Folder Size dialog box. Click the Clear Offline Items button and select OK . Open the Folder Size dialog box again and review the differences between the local and server data. Close all open dialog boxes.

If you are working with Cached Exchange Mode and offline folders, the two notes no longer appear in the local folder. Perform a send/receive for the Notes folder again to synchronize the folders.

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