Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced

Lesson – Setting Message and Security Options

Outlook 2016


Practice Data

1. Select the File tab.


The Backstage view appears.

2. Select the Options command. The Outlook Options dialog box opens.

Click Options

3. Select the Mail category. The Mail Options appear.

Click Mail

4. Select the desired options.

From the When replying to a message list Select Do not include original message . From the Default Importance level list .

The desired options are selected.

Select High .

5. Select OK .


The Options dialog box closes.

Pair up with a fellow student. Create a new message to your partner with the subject Contract review and the message text Please review all the bids before Friday’s meeting . Notice that the High Importance button in the Options group on the Message tab of the Ribbon is highlighted. Send the message.

When you receive a message, open your Inbox and notice the red exclamation point next to the Contract review message. Reply to the message. Notice that the original message text does not appear in the reply. Close the Message window without sending the reply.

Open the E-mail Options dialog box and reset the When replying to a message list to Include original message text . Open the Advanced E-mail Options dialog box and reset the Importance level to Normal . Select OK to close all open dialog boxes.

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