Outlook 2016 Intermediate/Advanced
Lesson – Working with Tasks and To Do Bar
Outlook 2016
Practice Data
3. Select the Due date box.
Press [Tab] twice
The text in the Due date box is selected.
4. Enter the due date for the task.
Type next Friday
The due date appears in the Due date box.
5. Press [Enter] .
Press [Enter]
The due date is entered and the InfoBar indicates when the task is due.
6. Select the Save and Close button.
The Task window closes and the task is added to the task list.
Practice the Concept: Add another task by clicking in the Click here to add a new Task row in the task list. Enter the subject Submit expense report . Select the Due Date column and the list arrow. Use the popup calendar to assign a due date two weeks from today. Select Save & Close to add the task.
You can set tasks as recurring. Recurring Tasks occur at the same time at regular intervals. For example, you may need to submit a weekly report every Friday. You can schedule that task as recurring so that it automatically appears in your task list each month. Once you mark the recurring task complete for the current occurrence, the next occurrence appears. For example, if you have a weekly recurring task, once you mark the task as complete, Outlook automatically generates the recurrence of that task in the Task list with a due date for the following week. When you set an item as recurring, you must indicate a recurrence pattern. The pattern can be Daily , Weekly , Monthly , or Yearly . Depending on which option you choose, other recurrence options will be available. For example, if a task will be repeated weekly, you can indicate on which weeks and days the item should be scheduled. Additionally, you can specify a start date and the number of occurrences, or an end date.
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